High-Performance Commercial Collections for Property and Casualty Insurance
Brennan & Clark specialize in providing Commercial Collections services to the Property and Casualty Insurance industry.
Our expert negotiators recover a full 20% more than the industry average in this sector.
Informed by over 40 of experience, we work hard to maximize collections while still respecting, protecting and even enhancing, client relationships. Utilizing the power of data mining technology, we work to fully understand our customers’ accounts and processes, so we can quickly create accurate forecasts and custom reports. Collecting all that is collectable. We are so confident of our approach that we assume the risk and pay our clients up-front.

Meg Scotty
CEO, Brennan & Clark
CEO, Brennan & Clark
Leaders in Commercial Collections processes
Our negotiators are trusted to protect client relationships and we work hard to stay at the forefront of best-practice. CEO, Meg Scotty, is co-founder of the Commercial Collections Agencies of America and we are active members of IASA, ICE and NSIPA. This professional ethos, combined with our unwavering determination, helps maximize recovery rates in the property and casualty insurance industry.