Collection Training

Train your team
to collect more

Collect more money while protecting relationships

For more than two decades we’ve shared all we know with those who want to learn.

We’d like to help your team, individually and collectively, to collect more money, and to do so while also protecting your customer relationships.

Our expert Collections Training team will develop a programme tailored specifically to your requirements and industry.

We will sharpen your internal processes and develop new negotiating skills, resulting in increased returns without impacting customer satisfaction

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Collect more and increase your team's performance

At Brennan and Clark we also offer expert Collections Training guaranteed to increase your team’s performance and returns allowing your team to focus on core business operations.

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We’ll share all we know

We’ll share all we know - the philosophy, processes, tools, techniques, tips – everything. We’ll show your team a new way, a better way. We’ll help your team do better and collect more.

Kim Roland, Vice President of Sales, Brennan & Clark
How we help
  • Improving policy & process

    A Brennan & Clark Trainer will collect all of your current internal procedures for our review. We’ll conduct a comprehensive review and identify areas that will improve your current situation.

  • Building negotiation skills

    A customized training program will be developed to use when training your team. This will include focused scripting, messaging, negotiation skills, types of resolutions and more.

  • Improving collections management

    Examining and developing your collections supports and management - your internal letters, your tracking & measuring.

  • Leveraging your contracts

    Examining your contracts to better utilise for collections. Can you charge collections costs back to the clients? Are there any legal, or collection, loopholes in your contract terms? We’ll use our years of experience to identify terms you may want to adjust, or add, to get the best possible return.

  • Knowing your numbers

    We will establish Key Performance Indicators to identify gains and returns realized by implementing these new procedures.

  • Embedding the learning

    Helping to ensure the processes are implemented and new habits bedded in with the team.

  • Hiring negotiators

    Defining your hiring criteria, improving your recruitment process, and developing the processes and approaches required to identify best-fit candidates. For example, the most important collection skill work is listening, so we’ll show you how to assess this skill in your interviews.

Trainee comments…

My team now looks at the goal as collecting money, not just making the calls.
I appreciate the focus you gave to not only collecting the money, but how to keep our customer in the process.
Great advice and techniques, and all illustrated with their own real world collections stories.
They gave my team more confidence. Our results have definitely improved.
The ‘Are they really out of business?’ part of the workshop really opened our eyes!
Following a more defined collections process has given us more credibility with our customers.
Not only are we recovering more in house, there are additional savings when I take into account the fees we would have historically paid an agency to recover the same amount.
Each of our collectors has expressed improved performance and they are energized and taking control.
As much as I was hesitant in the beginning, I’m so glad we went through with the training as the process has simplified my life.
Not only did we realize record breaking recoveries, but every contact with your office was met with a friendly, professional and prompt response. Thank you!
The follow up to help everyone make the learning part of their daily work was really effective.


Meg Scotty
Frank Carroll
Vice President
Kim Roland
Vice President of Sales
Mark Taylor
Dan Roberts

Training FAQs

Will you continue to follow up with my team to make sure they have implemented the tools?

Absolutely. To ensure the learning is applied is the most crucial step. It is one thing to get all the ideas; but it is another to integrate into your approach and real-work situations.

How long are the sessions?

Our live workshops can be tailored to 1, 4, 8, or 16 hours. Your team, can take our self-directed courses in their own time over a period of 3 weeks, they take about 5 hours in total to complete.

Can your training be tailored to our specific industry?

Yes. We have a vast knowledge of the inner workings of several industry sectors and offer intricate training with industry specific advice and scenarios.

Where is training conducted?

Most of our training programmes are delivered online. We also deliver on-site and in our own Training Center.

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